(830) 333-0175 Val@ValKMedia.com


Valerie K Miller, M.Ed. CMP

eLearning Project Expert

Consultant | Coach

eLearning Consulting Services

eLearning Consulting Services

eLearning Consulting Services

Have you previously written a boilerplate RFP (request for proposal) based on one courseware tool and /or a specific LMS?  When  I see course requirements like this, it screams ROOKIE PROJECT MANAGER, because this is a project doomed to FAIL.  Why? Because all the planning effort is focused on making training fit the tool, which is backwards, the focus should be on making the training product meet learner needs.

Just because a tool is trendy, does not mean it is the ONLY tool to use.  This is another of several reasons why so many eLearning projects FAIL to DELIVER on their basic promise of teaching. And honestly, I’ve normally don’t respond because these are the projects I get called into later for  “cleanup on aisle three”, because they were not designed properly in the first place.  

My thoughts… Limiting your project to a specific courseware tool to create lessons is like telling a home contractor that a hammer is the only tool that can be used to build your home?  Does that make sense?  Of course not.  And let’s be real, if  newbie eLearning project managers have NO experience developing complex training programs,  how would they know what tools to choose anyway? My advice,  you need an experienced eLearning project expert, not just a training developer to design your high-profile project AND help you achieve the best results possible. 

Also consider this… instead of thinking every training lesson needs to be delivered in an LMS, how about designing a flexible and expandable learning community organized with a collection of useful tools like checklists,  one-minute (YouTube like) videos, and internal discussion boards to help employees get real-life expert and peer support by sharing best-practices companywide.   And yes, the LMS has a place too, it’s a great way to offer basic training and record a final competency quiz.  

Remember, Adult learners come to a new workplace with varying skill levels. Effective eLearning is designed to be more than just a “one size fits all” lock-step set of LMS lessons with a quiz at the end.  Good eLearning engages and delivers knowledge, confidence, and skills to adult learners in a variety of ways to improve their workplace skills that drives more company revenue. 
But it all starts by using a process-driven approach to designing the program up-front. 

My #1 Recommendation:
The Design Phase is the KEY to starting your project process by:
• Producing your desired training outcomes
• Meeting On-Time schedule and On-Budget goals
• Setting expectations and project “rules” upfront

• Developing an approved roadmap with specific deliverables
• Getting buy-in from management and stakeholders upfront
• Considering an LMS-only alternative, like a Learning Community 

These are the key process steps I recommend to achieve guaranteed project success.  It’s the exact process my teams used to deliver 100’s of hours of custom corporate & public agency training projects On-Time & On-Budget since 2001. 

There’s no need to waste time trying to figure it out yourself and end of failing like 80% of the typical project managers!  Take a moment to review the key steps outlined from concept to end,  that my system follows to ensure your program is designed, developed, and delivered On-Time.

Phase 1: Project Risk Mgt

1. Stakeholder Selection
2. Knowledge Scope | Tech Mgt
3. OCM Plan | Key Docs Mgt

Phase 2: Content Dev Mgt

Execute Content Dev Plan
Review | Approval Mgt
AV Production & Messaging

Phase 3: Pre & Post Launch Mgt

Pre-Launch QA Mgt
Launch Day Celebration
Feedback | Sustain Mgt

Want to put your project on cruise control?  Let’s start a conversation on how to complete the Design Phase of your business-critical project in just three weeks. Deliverables include four key project documents including the Statement of Work (SOW – not a piggy), and the detailed Timeline & Milestones project blueprint for staffing requirements and scheduling development of course deliverables. Once the Design Phase is completed, you’ll know the course budget so you are prepared to contract for content development and launch services, instead of being duped by SWAG (Silly Wild Ass Guess) bids.  Feel free to go out for bids, but know that your course launch is GUARANTEED if you choose my services to complete your entire project from concept to launch!

Interested?  Please book a quick Discovery Call with me and let’s start a conversation. 

Professional Experience


PLAN239 : eLearning Project Mgt Coaching | 2024

PLAN239 is the proven project management process used by Design2Train to deliver 100’s hours of custom training programs On-Time and On-Budget.  We now offer it as a coaching program to experienced instructional designers and non-training professionals tasked with their first business-critical eLearning project.

We coach busy professionals to confidently launch business-critical eLearning On-Time & On-Budget without disrupting their Real Job work life balance.   PLAN239 System:   Decoded =  2 Contracts, 3 Phases, 9-Step Process

CEO | Founder

Design2Train | 2001 - Present

Design2Train is an award-winning instructional design agency, founded in 2001 by Valerie K Miller. We’ve earned the reputation of being a Trusted Adviser to Corporate Management, Business Owners, and Start-up CEOs having delivered 100’s of hours of custom eLearning programs On-Time and On-Budget. We can do the same for your project.

The Reality: eLearning is now the training norm, but industry research has revealed 80%+ projects FAIL. Why? The #1 Reason is un-prepared project leadership, who experience wasted time, missed deadlines and cost overruns. Don’t become another statistic. Check out our proven 9-Step coaching system, PLAN239 and put your project on cruise control.  Launch On-Time and maintain your REAL JOB work/life balance.

Why Choose Design2Train? Our experienced US-based team members consistently produce excellent results for our clients who work 100% remotely.

We also partner with trusted teams in Mexico and Brazil for authentic translations.   


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