(830) 333-0175 Val@ValKMedia.com

Valerie K. Miller, M.Ed. CMP
eLearning Project Management Expert 

Consultant | Coach

Did you know…
Training industry research reveals 80% of eLearning projects FAIL!

Why? The #1 reason? Newbie project managers are NOT prepared.  Projects used to be the responsibility of the Training Department, but not now.  Training is now de-centralized and tasked to busy (non-training) managers in business units like sales, safety, product marketing, and customer support.

After launching 100s of hours of successful high-profile projects with non-training professionals, I’m on a personal mission to consult with and coach first time project managers, business owners, and startup CEOs have a POSITIVE launch experience.

My Promise: To help project managers launch a business-critical eLearning project, On-Time & On-Budget, within 90 days, without impacting your REAL JOB work / life balance. Guaranteed!

How can I make this BOLD promise?
By offering consulting and coaching services based on the exact PROVEN system my teams use to successfully deliver 100s of hours of award-winning eLearning projects since 2001. 


PLAN239: eLearning Project Management System

PLAN239 is the proven project management system used by my Design2Train teams.  It’s now offered as a unique coaching program for preparing instructional designers and non-training project managers to confidently deliver business-critical training programs On-Time & On-Budget. 

PLAN239 System:   Decoded =  2 Contracts, 3 Phases, 9-Step Process


Design2Train: Instructional Design Agency
eLearning Expert Staffing

Design2Train is the award-winning instructional design agency, founded in 2001 by Valerie K. Miller. We’ve earned the reputation of being a Trusted Adviser to Corporate Management, Business Owners, and Start-up CEOs. 

How We Work
Your first conversation will be with Valerie Miller. Based on your project needs, she will recommend the consulting or coaching services. Each project is unique and we honor that.  Valerie serves as a senior advisor to the Phase 1: Project Risk Management,  and is managed by your assigned Project Content Lead (PLAN239 Certified eLearning Expert).

Once Phase 1 is completed, Phase 2: Content Development Management with content production begins. Your PCL  handles all Content Development services while also serving as the lead instructional designer.  Design2Train Production Staff create the course content (text, audio, video, and other program elements) according to exact specifications.   

Then in Phase 3: Launch & Sustain Management activities are managed by your PCL to result in an On-Time and On-Budget launch.  Once you have gone through the process, you will be prepared for future projects. The documents we provide can be recycled for your next effort.  

Why Choose Design2Train? 
Our experienced US-based remote teams consistently produce excellent results for our clients. We partner with trusted teams in Mexico and Brazil for authentic translations.   

Here’s some of our company clients.

Valerie K, Miller, M.Ed. CMP
 > Click here to view resume

Contact Information:
Call | Text: (830)-333-0175
Address:  PO Box 714, Comfort, TX 78013